Marissa Snider | Portfolio

Freelance Copywriter + Content Strategist

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Bring a powerful combination of learning design theory, SEO, and the persuasion of copywriting to your content.

Website landing page  development – sketch on math book

About Me

Hi there, my name is Marissa Snider, and I am a freelance content and copywriter with a knack for finding the right words to deliver your message. I have 10 years of experience designing learning content and 5 more years writing B2B web content, including blog posts, sales funnels, emails, ad campaigns, and more!

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>> 5 Years of Freelance Copywriting Experience

>> Background in Instructional Design + Corporate Learning

>> Engagement-Driven Copywriter

>> More than 1k Successful Copywriting Projects

>> Zero Missed Deadlines


Focused on creating engagement-driven content

Direct Response Copy

Technical Writing

SEO Benchmarking

Content Strategy


Put more purpose into your content.

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Learning Design Theory

Dice sketch probability theory


With a BS in Instructional Design and 10+ years of experience in corporate training, creating content designed for engagement is native to my approach.


Build better content using fundamentals of learning design theory that caters to acceptance, engagement, and retention of new information.

People-First SEO Content

Find your space with us.

Handdrawn Loose Simple Houses Viewed from Binoculars

The Project

Author a whitepaper that provides a deep-dive into a timely Google search engine update.

The Concept

Persuade marketers to adopt a new approach using people-first content, illustrating how a scalable content team can help.

Persuasive Copywriting

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The Project

Write a sales landing page for a motivational coach who is building a program based on personal experience.

The Concept

Use a storytelling approach layered with personal experience and punchy, persuasive questions, callouts, and action-orientated wording.

Explore your brand's possibilities

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Discover how your brand can make a bigger impact with purposeful content designed for performance by putting people first.

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Content Strategy

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Editorial Support


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MK3 Digital brings creative freelancers together

Press — January 15, 2023

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Google's Helpful Content Update

Press — Jul 24, 2021

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Brands I've Worked With

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Simple Monoline Geometric Hotel Logo

Marissa Snider | Freelance Copywriter

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to improve your content.

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